Skin Imperfection Removal

Cosmetic Skin Imperfections

Did you know - Most moles & Skin tags are harmless. Harmless moles are not treated on the NHS and are classed as cosmetic imperfections which can be easily removed in our clinic. We are trained in skin cancer lesions and know when you are not suitable for treatment.

Read more here.

Skin Tags can be removed safely using heat to ablate the tissue. Aftercare is relatively simple the small dark crusts fall away in a matter of days as the tissue heals your left with no scarring small pink marks may remain as new healthy skin grows it's important to protect this with SPF during this healing phase. The plasma pen can work close to the eyes and safe to use for skin tags on the eyelids (our most popular treatment)

Numbing is applied to minimise discomfort.

Whatever your reason for wanting to remove moles, skin tags, skin warts or age spots. Whether they catch on clothing or just a cosmetic imperfection they can be quickly and easily removed using our plasma pen.

The process involves using a small tool to cauterise away the cells that make up the skin tag. You can have just one procedure, and your skin tags will be gone.

Advantages of Skin imperfection removal

  • Quick procedure

  • Controlled trauma eliminates superficial tissue

  • The process usually takes around 15 minutes depending on the size of the lesion.

  • Moles must be checked by the GP prior to removal please contact us for a form in clinic

  • We can work safely on eyelids




How long do the results last?

Once the lesion has been ablated then no further treatments need to be performed.

How long does the treatment take to do?

Depending on the size of the lesion small skin tags can take seconds to remove where larger ones may take up to an hour.

Can I go to work after having the treatment?

Usually after having a minor lesion removed it will be fine to go to work, larger lesions may require a dressing but it shouldnt stop you dong your normal daily activities. Sun bathing, sun beds, hot tubs, heavy exercise however should be avoided for up to 5 days.

How long is the down time for the treatment?

Its recommend 7-10 days. This is how long it takes roughly for the carbon crusts to come away leaving just a pink undertone on the skin. In this time the skin should be protected form the sunlight, this is to reduce hyperpigmentation.

How long does it take for the crusts to come away?

This also depends on the client and the after care. On average we say between 7-10 days, some people find the majority of the carbon crusts have come away by day 5, whilst people who may have a slower healing rate for whatever reason can take up to 14 days.

Can I wear make-up after the treatment?

For skin tags that have been removed on the face and neck we recommend wearing no makeup after the treatment until the carbon crusts have been removed. This is for hygiene and bacterial reasons as well as avoiding premature removal of the carbon crusts and causing infection and pigmentation.