PCA Skin®

professional treatments

Healthy and beautiful skin is our mission

We use PCA SKIN® and we believe that the health and beauty of your skin is of the utmost importance. We believe that a highly educated and skilled skin care clinician is one of the most important assets your skin can have. Sarah is a PCA Certified Professional and very knowledgeable in each of our advanced products. Sarah is uniquely qualified to select the best combination of PCA SKIN® products for your skin and get you the results you want. Visiting one of our Certified Professionals is a great first step in achieving your skin care goals with confidence.


Optimising results

Your goals start with professional treatments

Professional Peels

Professionally applied peel solutions exfoliate dead skin cells and help healthy skin cells rise to the surface. These treatments allow deeper layers of fresh and untouched skin to be revealed. The result of monthly treatments can even skin tone, clear acne, improve the appearance of ageing skin and make dull complexions glow. Peels are safe for all skin types, and PCA Certified Professionals are trained to identify what treatment combination is safe for each person’s skin in order for patients to reap the greatest benefits. Professional peels are increasingly effective with pre- and post-treatment care, balancing your skin before the peel and nurturing it after the treatment. 

Pre- and Post-treatment

Using PCA SKIN’s daily care products in the weeks before your professional treatment is an important step in preparing your skin and ensuring excellent results. Skin that is balanced and healthy will help reduce the risk of complications and typically lead to better treatment results. Equally as important, post-treatment products are designed to be used after a chemical peel or other minimally invasive professional treatments to minimise the potential for uncommon side effects. In preparation for your treatment, your clinician will evaluate your skin to determine the most effective combination of daily care products for you. 

Daily care

Along with receiving regular treatments from a clinician, a daily care regime is critical to achieving and maintaining optimal skin health. Consider the 60:1 analogy: you manage your own skin at least twice a day at home; that’s 60 times in any given month versus a single monthly treatment from a clinician. The basics for a PCA SKIN® daily care regimen include: cleanse, correct, hydrate and protect. While professional treatments are just as important for the health of your skin, doing your part on a daily basis to improve and maintain the results of those treatments is key.

PCA Skin Peels Vitamin B Fat Loss Injections Botox Dermal Filler Permanent makeup Sunderland Peterlee Durham Easington Village



What is 'Peeling'?

Peeling is a chemicl exfoliation. When your skin peels or flakes after a treatment your skin is shedding dead or damaged surface cells and revealing new, healthy skin cells on the surface. This action is called cell turnover. Supporting the cell turnover process with chemical peels is what allows the skin to shed dead cells and bring new, fresh skin to the surface, free of signs of aging, sun damage, dirt and debris. The result is glowing skin.

Does a Peel hurt?

There may be some minor irritation and blanching during certain PCA Skin Peels, but this usual fades, after 20 minutes or so. Each individual will vary depending on skin sensitivity but this is generally a painfree treatment. We will advise you of any risks and effects of the treatment.

What is a Professional Skin Peel and what are the benefits?

Chemical peels are an important part of skin health. As an effective treatment option for most skin types and concerns, they improve tone, texture, fine lines and wrinkles, breakouts and dark spots, but many people are intimidated to go in for their first peel treatment. The fear of leaving with a bright red face that hurts prevents some from experiencing the many benefits of a peel. The post-peel reality is a glowing, healthy complexion.

Do Skin Peels take long and what is the downtime?

Peels are easy to work into a busy lifestyle. There is no downtime with PCA SKIN chemical peels — you’ll leave your appointment with a healthy glow and able to carry on with your regular activities. There are steps to ensure that your results are maximized by following a post-procedure regimen to enhance your results and keep peeling and redness to a minimum. Your clinician will give you more detailed instructions after your procedure, catered to your skin’s needs.

Will I definitely Peel?

You won’t necessarily experience visible peeling. That doesn’t mean your treatment was ineffective. Everyone experiences different levels of peeling, dependent upon skin type, resilience, type of peel and the number of layers applied. If you don’t peel, your skin is still exfoliating. In this case, the exfoliation is happening on a cellular level that can’t be seen by the naked eye. Typically, the deeper the peel you receive, the more extensive peeling you will experience.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

A course of 3 treatments is recommended 4 weeks apart for best results, however results can be noticed after just one treatment. 

Challenging skin concerns can be improved over a series of treatments with our perfected formulas by increasing the skin’s cell turnover rate, bringing new skin cells to the surface, reducing signs of fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots and clearing breakouts.